Poem Share #2: Matt Forrest Esenwine Presents" Goblin Shark"

POEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the county presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

Journey deep beneath the sea with Matt Forrest Esenwine and discover one of its most bizarre creatures as Matt reads his poem "Goblin Shark." This poem is written in a special format called a pantoum.

Then check out more poems about the ocean and its vast array of inhabitants in FRIENDS & ANEMONES: OCEAN POEMS FOR CHILDREN. 


You can find additional poems by Matt Forrest Esenwine in NIGHT WISHES, a poetry anthology that explore the whimsical world of dreams and CONSTRUCTION PEOPLE, an anthology that celebrates people who build.  Both anthologies were edited by the great Lee Bennett Hopkins.

Discover even more POETRY BOOST resources HERE,  and don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 


  1. Great poem, Matt! Pantoums are such fun to write and listen to.

  2. Thank you so much for inviting me to join the poetry party, Michelle!

  3. Great pantomime, Matt! And thanks for introducing us to the goblin shark. 🦈

    1. Thanks so much, Patty! It's actually a pantoum...it would've been much quiter as a pantomime. ;)

  4. Loved hearing you read this, Matt - and way to use an old form! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Robyn! I had wanted to use a classic form, and this just jumped out at me as soon as I started writing it.

  5. Terrific lines for a pantoum--Hooray, Matt!

  6. Pantoums, sestinas, and villanelles--my idea of a happy adventure. Thanks for your great work!

  7. Love your reading a slightly spooky poem from inside a blanket fort! And sharing a spread with Jane - priceless! Great poem, Matt.

    1. Thanks! Jane & I were talking about the spread before the book came out, and I noted that it was possibly the spookiest, creepiest spread in the whole book - and she said yes, and likely the most popular for that very reason!


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