Poem Share: Linda Dryfhout Presents "Unpack"

Poem SharePOEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the globe presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

In this Poem Share, take a trip to the grocery store with children's poet Linda Dryfhout, as she presents her poem"Unpack." "Unpack" is an ekphrastic poem, or a poem based on a work of art.   

Discover "Unpack" and other playful poems in The Things We Do (Pomelo Books 2021), an alphabetic book bursting with action-- from Ask to Zoom!

Find even more POETRY BOOST resources HERE, and don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 


  1. I LOVE your video, Linda. Great idea to use the props so effectively!!!! And your poem is terrific, too.

  2. Yummy poem, Linda! I love your video! Congratulations on both.

  3. Kids feel such accomplishment when they help families do something—even something simple, like unpacking the groceries. I'm really happy that we were able to include your poem in THINGS WE DO, Linda!


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