Poem Share: Marilyn Garcia Presents "The Greatest Show on Earth"

Poem SharePOEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the globe presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

You'll be holding your breath for this Poem Share!  Listen as children's author, scientist, educator, and homeschooling veteran, Marilyn Garcia, describes the aerial feats of a determined tightrope walker in "The Greatest Show on Earth."  

Find "The Greatest Show on Earth" in the 10:10 Poetry Anthology, edited by Marilyn Garcia. This clever anthology includes poems by 58 poets from around the world, some of them TENder, some TENtative, some TENacious, but all exploring different ways to look at "TEN." 

Discover more POETRY BOOST resources HERE, and don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 


  1. One of my favorite poems from the 10.10 Anthology. Well done, Marilyn! :)


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