Poem Share: Zetta Elliott Presents "You Too Can Fly"

Poem SharePOEM SHARE: Children's poets from across the globe presenting their favorite poems for Poetry Month and beyond!

In today's Poem Share, "You Too Can Fly," poet and diversity advocate Zetta Elliot inspires listeners to keep marveling at the wonders of the world and persisting with their dreams, even when "the struggle to survive leaves you breathless."  

Find Zetta's inspiring poem in We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices, a compilation of poems, letters, essays, and art by fifty of the foremost diverse children's authors and illustrations. The contributors share their answers to the question "In a diverse world, where prejudice and racism persist, what do we tell our children?" 

Zetta is the author of many books for adults and children, including A Place Inside of Me, an affirming poem in which a Black child explores his shifting emotions throughout the year. 

Discover even more POETRY BOOST resources HERE, and don't forget to sign up for the POETRY BOOST newsletter to stay updated on new poetry lessons, prompts, and mentor texts. 
